Today's very modern society has made possible online publications that support whatever industry you are in. An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services. This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations and objectives.
With these concrete objectives, the following elements of the advertising strategy need to be considered: target audience, product concept, communication media, and advertising message. These elements are at the core of an advertising strategy, and are often referred to as the creative mix. A rigid advertising strategy often leads to a loss of market share. Therefore, the core elements of the advertising strategy need to mix in a way that allows the message to envelope the target consumer, providing ample opportunity for this consumer to become acquainted with the advertising message.
1.Target Consumer -The target clients or consumer is a complex combination of persons. It includes the person who ultimately buys the product, as well as those who decide what product will be and those who influence product purchases.
2.Product Concept -The product concept grows out of the guidelines established in the positioning statement. How the product is positioned within the market will dictates the kind of values the product represents, and thus how the target consumer will receive that product. It is important to remember that no product is just itself, but, a bundle of values that the consumer needs to be able to identify with.
3.Communication Media - The communication media is the means by which the advertising message is transmitted to the consumer. Types of media categories which advertisers can choose include the following: Print-primarily newspapers, Audio-FM and AM radio Video-Promotional videos, infomercials, World Wide Web, Direct mail. Outdoor advertising-Billboards, advertisements on public transportation. The target audience, an advertiser needs to schedule the broadcasting of that advertising. The media schedule the combination of specific times, (for example, by day, week, and month) when advertisements are inserted into media vehicles and delivered to target audiences.
4. Advertising message -An advertising message is guided by the advertising which is a combination of the marketing objectives, copy, art, and production values. There are three major areas that an advertiser should consider when endeavoring developing an effective advertising platform.
1. What are the product's unique features?
2. What is likely to persuade them to purchase the product? How do consumers evaluate the product?
3. Are there any weaknesses in their positions? What are their strengths? How do competitors rank in the eyes of the consumer?
This combination is best realized after the target consumer has been analyzed, the product concept has been established, and the media and vehicles have been chosen.
5. Copy - Crucial to remember that the primary aim is to communicate information about the business and its products and services composing advertising copy. Many companies utilize a theme or a slogan as the centerpiece of such efforts, emphasizing major attributes of the business's products or services in the process. When writing the copy, direct language has been shown to be the most effective. If you want to build your name in the world of business, you should also have to follow the path of promotional giveaways which are assured way of spreading the word about your business around in a positive light.
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